AMAC Evening: The Return! The M1
just returned to college, we took the opportunity to resume the pace for everyone, organizing a party, always Rep ('ll have to think pleasant change one of these four! )
Seconde soirée au Rep donc, et qui a eu lieu une fois n'est pas coutume un mardi soir. Et ouais on n'aime pas faire comme tout le monde, les soirées le jeudi...en fait c'est surtout que jour férié oblige on n'a pas voulu vous faire rester sur Lyon rien que pour ça (comment ça rien que? C'est méga important comme truc...hum... bref)
RDV donc dès 21H30 au caveau (le staff un peu plus tôt pour préparer la salle, et négocier à l'arrache des tarifs hyper préférentiels!!!On en reparlera plus loin ;-)
Les premiers M2 (les seuls d'ailleurs!! Merci d'être venus, sans vous le bureau aurait été seul représentant of M2, the shame!) arrived a little before 22H, followed some time later (really it was 23H? not seen) by M1 which had mostly decided to start before, in small groups . We even had the pleasure of seeing M3, now in contention. Unlike the first evening, the atmosphere is coming very quickly, and despite a slightly smaller number (after all most of M2 are no longer in Lyon), everyone began to dance to the rhythms ... well ... varied (along discography spread over 30 years, that helps, lol)
mood was pretty good for everyone, consos the chained themselves (even if it was necessary to go for the cheapest beer they had discounted despite ... go figure!)
Unfortunately the hours marched too quickly, and despite a good attempt by Annie and Laurent, impossible to scratch over a quarter of an hour of rab. So, at quarter past one, towards the exit, a little disappointed to finish so early, but still satisfied with the course of the evening.
The attempt to be aborted after the fault at the point of collapse (at the same time we must understand we do not have the habit of seeking a bar at two o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday!)
Yet we hope that you all as much fun as at the previous evening (or amused short for those who had not come before) and you're ready to do it again next time ...
Here is a link to retrieve the pictures taken during the evening
Pack 1 Pack 2 Or viewable one at a