Sunday, December 2, 2007

Where To Buy Red Cross Toothache Medicine

Photos of the evening of November 27 November 2007 AMAC

Voila, Tuesday night is smoothly as planned.

We were not very numerous revisions have captured many, but the party was still to go. Apparently, the distributions of appetizers and sweets were much appreciated.

Until recently, the CPSA will propose a new novel out, so stay tuned! You will find

Photos of the evening in the following packs: Pack

photos 1

Pack 2 photos

Pack photos of officers

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Immages Brasilain Wax


Hi everyone!

Here we go again to the conquest of Lyon nights, the new AMAC evening will be held Tuesday, November 27 at Café MODE, near Vieux Lyon metro.

We expect 21H for a good time to relax before the exams of M2 and the end of this year is fast approaching!

We count on your presence at all and those of your friends, always motivated to set the mood! The entrance will be at the symbolic price of 1 € for members, and 3 € for non-members.

All details on the poster below.

A Tuesday!
(Click to enlarge)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Serato Pitch N Time Le

INTEGRATION : October 3, 2007.

With a little delay, we finally have pictures and a little account of the first night of the year.

Firstly, we would, we, the officers of the association ADAC thank all those present at the Red House. You've answered many, both M2 and M1 that it encourages us tremendously for the next appointment of the association.

Indeed, last Wednesday you were a hundred to join us and participate in the festivities. The party lasted until 3am for the more adventurous.

It may be noted in the positives that research sponsors associated with famous couples allowed virtually all world to meet, much more could not resist the call of the dance floor and many of you participated in installing a joyful and relaxed.

Photos are available for download by clicking on the following links:
Pack 1 Pack 2

(these packages are quite large, and require the use winrar to unzip be. These files are available for a few months and then will cancel service, so please get them back now)

Again we thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the earliest.

Thank you all.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Better Than Alicia Rhodes

Night Launch Party Integration

All information on this event can be found in the poster below.
During this evening, the sponsors / referrals will be identified, then we need your presence.
You can of course come with all your friends!

(click to enlarge)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Removing Oxide From Aluminium

Here are some pictures of the launch party held there a 15aine days.
We are pleased to have you there so many, and hope that you most.
We are currently working to prepare the evening of integration to be held Wednesday, October 3.
We tell you so soon!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Best Christian Tattoo

Reprise 2007

Hello everyone! Here we go again for season 2 of the CPSA!

The former officers have now passé_ over to the new M2 while remaining at their sides to guide the recovery.

So we thank Alexis former president, and Lawrence, Assistant Secretary, who leave their seats as they leave the master (the two Treasurers of AMAC we have already passed it A few months ago, good luck to them). Frederic Vuagnat, former M1 remains in the association, but leaves his post of secretary to the new generation.

The office now consists of:

President: William Matricon

Secretary: Tiffany PORTA

Treasurer: Marie-Charlotte AUGER

Officers without status: Elise PELLETIER, Fanny PERRIERE, Aurelien Rey, Frederic Vuagnat

This new office of the year 2007/2008 aims to set up sponsorship of M1 and a Evening integration, while maintaining the activities of the previous year, namely organisation_ evenings, help with finding an internship (2 or 6 months), making available records, establishment of a list of former student, arranging a meeting with former M2 (your suggestions are welcome) ...

The first evening presentation of the association will be held this Wednesday, September 12, at the stroke of 18 hours in a room of the building Grignard (the room will be defined shortly)

We hope to see you there, to join the CPSA (rate identical to the previous year, 5 €) and share a welcome drink with us.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Free Image Women In Girdles

Night New Year Night 15

Voila, the year draws to a close. We therefore propose one last evening before the holiday.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, and 18:30 at Park feysine, to make a great picnic together until the end of the night. Think
aporte your snacks, your favorite drinks etc ... The
amac supports the purchase of a few drinks we offer you for the evening (nothing alcoholic).
A Wednesday!

EDIT: A 20en people attended this evening sympthique. Photos are available HERE

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Does Hiv Rash Appear Alone?

AMAC Evening: The Return! The M1

just returned to college, we took the opportunity to resume the pace for everyone, organizing a party, always Rep ('ll have to think pleasant change one of these four! )

Seconde soirée au Rep donc, et qui a eu lieu une fois n'est pas coutume un mardi soir. Et ouais on n'aime pas faire comme tout le monde, les soirées le jeudi...en fait c'est surtout que jour férié oblige on n'a pas voulu vous faire rester sur Lyon rien que pour ça (comment ça rien que? C'est méga important comme truc...hum... bref)

RDV donc dès 21H30 au caveau (le staff un peu plus tôt pour préparer la salle, et négocier à l'arrache des tarifs hyper préférentiels!!!On en reparlera plus loin ;-)

Les premiers M2 (les seuls d'ailleurs!! Merci d'être venus, sans vous le bureau aurait été seul représentant of M2, the shame!) arrived a little before 22H, followed some time later (really it was 23H? not seen) by M1 which had mostly decided to start before, in small groups . We even had the pleasure of seeing M3, now in contention. Unlike the first evening, the atmosphere is coming very quickly, and despite a slightly smaller number (after all most of M2 are no longer in Lyon), everyone began to dance to the rhythms ... well ... varied (along discography spread over 30 years, that helps, lol)

mood was pretty good for everyone, consos the chained themselves (even if it was necessary to go for the cheapest beer they had discounted despite ... go figure!)

Unfortunately the hours marched too quickly, and despite a good attempt by Annie and Laurent, impossible to scratch over a quarter of an hour of rab. So, at quarter past one, towards the exit, a little disappointed to finish so early, but still satisfied with the course of the evening.

The attempt to be aborted after the fault at the point of collapse (at the same time we must understand we do not have the habit of seeking a bar at two o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday!)

Yet we hope that you all as much fun as at the previous evening (or amused short for those who had not come before) and you're ready to do it again next time ...

Here is a link to retrieve the pictures taken during the evening
Pack 1 Pack 2

Or viewable one at a HERE

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Average Price Of A Pint In Krakow

January 28, 2007 Ciné Chaos Ciné Chaos

Ciné Chaos at Club Saphir
Provide a showcase for emerging film makers

Montreal (Quebec), January 8, 2007 - Big Villain Films presents 4ièmme edition of Ciné Chaos Project which will take place Sunday, January 28 at 19:30 at Club Saphir, 3699 St-Laurent, Montreal. Edited by Eric Bourguignon and Yannick Giguère, this project consists of a nomadic meeting between independent filmmakers and the public in order to exchange ideas, create links and view a selection of short films selected. This meeting will take place in January, March, May, July, September, November 2007.

The evening will open with a superb performance of Faust Vj ( / vjfaust ) and DJ Jezebel.

The program for the part projecting short films that will not leave you indifferent: the works of Sam Kerson, Marilyne Drolet Owendigo, A Flea in agony, and many other

This will be the incomparable McGillis ( ) that will conclude this evening.

objectives Ciné Chaos Ciné Chaos

is intended as a springboard for independent filmmakers eager to share production with an audience. In addition, Ciné Chaos aims to become a privileged place of exchange and collaboration between creators and fans of independent films. The meetings take place in a climate conducive to the exchange and constructive criticism and that, stripped of any competition

help us achieve our project by purchasing the official fan club badge big bad movies. On sale at the event in January. / grosmechantsfilms

Date / Time: Sunday, January 28, 2007, 19:30
Location: Club Saphir, 3699 St-Laurent, Montreal.
Price: $ 6