Hello. We update the blog for a little present to you the news. Everyone
being left on probation, the Activities of the association are somewhat reduced, but this does not prevent us to offer you outputs, as many of you are on probation in Lyon.
As you can receive it by mail, we organize an outing lazer game Wednesday, April 9, starting at 20h. This output will occur only if there is enough present, and for this you must send us an email to confirm your presence (prior to April 5, so very soon).
During the month of May, we hope to establish several things. Firstly an evening for the return of the M1 stage, and also the participation of multiple activitées during 24 hours of the NHI, the biggest party of the year on campus.
little bonus, we've taken some pictures last night, "Evening Class" organized by us. We were a 30aine up, but given the context of examinations, it was explained. Few photos because the photographer did not stay very long.
Photos available: HERE