Mission statement (FRANÇAIS)
Mission statement
The objective of the Wicked Big Movie Is To Give alternative film makers a place to screen Their Works. Film makers are
Invited to Show Their short films of 45 minutes or less in an environment devoid of competition. We propose that the public evaluates the movies following these criteria: the narrative, the visual and the fun aspects of the short, and that, at the end of the evening, the creators receive these comments on a written form.
The film genres preferred by Gros Méchants Films are fiction, action, science-fiction, horror, documentary, and experimental.
We hope that these screening evenings will help local film creators to meet, to network and to pave the way for future collaborations within this eclectic community.
Gros Méchants Films
Submission Guidelines 1. All films will be viewed by the Gros Méchants Films organizers in order to program the screening evenings and also to ensure that the content of the films respect our philosophy.
2. Each film must be submitted with a fact sheet containing the following information:
Title of film
Technical team
Film maker’s phone number
Film maker’s email
3. Films length must not exceed
30 minutes including the credits.
4. Film must be submitted at least one week prior to screening evenings.
5. Films can be submitted either on mini DV or VHS format
Genres we wish to have submitted
Action/martial arts
Animation with narration
Medieval fantastic
Science Fiction
Video clips with narrative
We are open to receive experimental and documentary movies in order to plan a specific screening evening for these genres.
You can send your films on mini-DV or V.H.S. care of Eric Bourguignon at Cp 32070
Succ. Saint-André Montréal, QcH2L 4Y5
Eric Bourguignon 2006