the program for the second evening to be held October 29:
Unleadead David Leclerc
fear Seminar Hall Brothers
the wild Christiane S Trudel
Waddlin 'Around David Leclerc
13 hours emme JM Roy
Zombleach David Leclerc
Sandman (oficial launch of the DVD) Jef Grenier
objectives Ciné Chaos Ciné Chaos
is intended as a springboard for independent filmmakers eager to share their production with an audience. In addition, Ciné Chaos wants to become a privileged place of exchange and collaboration between creators and fans of independent films. Monthly meetings take place in a climate conducive to the exchange and constructive criticism and that, stripped of any competition
Date / Time: Sunday, October 29, 2006, 20 h 00
Venue: Cafe Chaos, 2031 St-Denis (corner Ontario) - Phone: 514-844-1303
Price: $ 2 entry
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