Sunday, September 30, 2007

Better Than Alicia Rhodes

Night Launch Party Integration

All information on this event can be found in the poster below.
During this evening, the sponsors / referrals will be identified, then we need your presence.
You can of course come with all your friends!

(click to enlarge)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Removing Oxide From Aluminium

Here are some pictures of the launch party held there a 15aine days.
We are pleased to have you there so many, and hope that you most.
We are currently working to prepare the evening of integration to be held Wednesday, October 3.
We tell you so soon!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Best Christian Tattoo

Reprise 2007

Hello everyone! Here we go again for season 2 of the CPSA!

The former officers have now passé_ over to the new M2 while remaining at their sides to guide the recovery.

So we thank Alexis former president, and Lawrence, Assistant Secretary, who leave their seats as they leave the master (the two Treasurers of AMAC we have already passed it A few months ago, good luck to them). Frederic Vuagnat, former M1 remains in the association, but leaves his post of secretary to the new generation.

The office now consists of:

President: William Matricon

Secretary: Tiffany PORTA

Treasurer: Marie-Charlotte AUGER

Officers without status: Elise PELLETIER, Fanny PERRIERE, Aurelien Rey, Frederic Vuagnat

This new office of the year 2007/2008 aims to set up sponsorship of M1 and a Evening integration, while maintaining the activities of the previous year, namely organisation_ evenings, help with finding an internship (2 or 6 months), making available records, establishment of a list of former student, arranging a meeting with former M2 (your suggestions are welcome) ...

The first evening presentation of the association will be held this Wednesday, September 12, at the stroke of 18 hours in a room of the building Grignard (the room will be defined shortly)

We hope to see you there, to join the CPSA (rate identical to the previous year, 5 €) and share a welcome drink with us.